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Task Force Chairs
Biodiversity Partnership Staff |
A. Thompson, President and CEO
Dr. Sue A. Thompson is the President and CEO of PBP. A botanist
by training, Sue’s research interests include plant systematics,
ethnobotany, and pollination biology as well as biodiversity. She
has an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Harvard University;
a master's in botany from the University of California, Berkeley,
and a Ph.D. in plant biology from the University of Illinois at
Champaign-Urbana, where she studied in the Crop Evolution Laboratory.
Her extensive field experience covers Africa, South America, Central
America, the Caribbean, and North America - including Pennsylvania.
Sue has authored over 70 scientific papers, reports, and popular
publications, including "Status of vascular plants in Pennsylvania."
Recent projects include sustainable development of post-industrial
landscapes, woody plant inventories on several national forests,
and a biotic assessment of Pittsburgh's Three Rivers. Sue’s
more than 20 years of experience in Pennsylvania include service
to the Governor’s Invasive Species Council, Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council, Wild Resource
Conservation Fund Advisory Committee, Pennsylvania Biological Survey,
and Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals Board.
Prior to joining PBP, she was a curator of botany at Carnegie Museum
of Natural History, Pittsburgh, and is an Adjunct Research Scientist
at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon
University. |
Merewyn Boak, Executive Administrator
Merewyn Boak joined PBP as Executive Administrator in May 2004.
Her previous positions include three years as a lab assistant in
the Botany Department at Chatham College, administrative work at
Chatham and the Rumsey Hall School, and a stint in retail management.
She has been an active volunteer for a number of social and conservation
related causes over the last decade. She has lived in four
countries and eight states in the U.S., is somewhat fluent in three
languages, and is a contributing author in a Japanese textbook on
American culture. Merewyn is currently pursuing a masters in Environmental
Science. |
Staff Volunteers
Jessica Barnabei, Project Assistant
Jamini Davies, Special Events Coordinator
Chris Steffy, Project Assistant |